This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I’ve included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

This class is all about Light Waves, Lasers and Holograms! This is a newly updated version of the older Light Waves and Lasers teleclass here.

We’re going to learn about the wild world of light that has baffled scientists for over a century. You’ll be twisting and bending light as we learn about refraction, reflection, absorption, and transmission using lenses, lasers, mirrors, and optical filters with everyday stuff like gummy bears, paperclips, pencils and water!

We’re going to learn how to build a projection hologram out of piece of old plastic, make a laser microscope so you can see tiny little microscopic creatures, bend laser light to follow any path you want without using mirrors, and finally understand how glow in the dark toys really work on the subatomic level. Are you ready?


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Clothespin
  • Paperclip
  • Rubber band
  • Gummy bears
  • Red laser
  • Flashlight
  • Old CD
  • Scissors
  • Pliers
  • Glass of water
  • Clear Plastic Film
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This is a recording of a recent live teleclass I did with thousands of kids from all over the world. I've included it here so you can participate and learn, too!

This class is all about Light Waves! Energy can take one of two forms: matter and light (called electromagnetic radiation). Light is energy in the form of either a particle or a wave that can travel through space and some kinds of matter, like glass.

We're going to investigate the wild world of the photon that has baffled scientists for over a century. We'll also do experiments in shattering laser beams, bending and twisting light, and also split light waves into rainbow shadows. Materials:
  • laser pointer
  • flashlight
  • paper clip
  • gummy bear (green and red)
  • old CD
  • paper clip
  • rubber band
  • pond water (just a little bit)
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