If I asked you to define the word force, what would you say? You probably have a feeling for what force means, but you may have trouble putting it into words. It’s kind of like asking someone to define the word “and” or “the”. Well, this lesson is all about giving you a better feeling for what the word force means. We’ll be talking a lot about forces in many lessons to come. The simplest way to define force is to say that it means a push or a pull like pulling a wagon or pushing a car. That’s a correct definition, but there’s a lot more to what a force is than just that.

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Friction is everywhere! Imagine what the world would be like without friction! Everything you do, from catching baseballs to eating hamburgers, to putting on shoes, friction is a part of it. If you take a quick look at friction, it is quite a simple concept of two things rubbing together.

However, when you take a closer look at it, it’s really quite complex. What kind of surfaces are rubbing together? How much of the surfaces are touching? And what’s the deal with this stick and slip thing anyway? Friction is a concept that’s many scientists are spending a lot of time on. Understanding friction is very important in making engines and machines run more efficiently and safely.

Here’s what you need:

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There are two big categories that forces fall into: contact forces, and forces resulting from something called action-at-a-distance, like gravitational, magnetic, and electrical forces. Contact forces come into play when objects are physically touching each other, like friction, air resistance, tension, and applied forces (like when your hand pushes on something, or you kick a ball with your foot).

Action-at-a-distance forces show up when the sun and planets pull on each other gravitationally. The sun isn’t in contact with the Earth, but they still exert a force on each other. Two magnets repel each other even though they don’t touch… that’s another example of action-at-a-distance force. Inside an atom, the protons and the electrons pull on each other via the electrical force.

The units of force are in “Newtons”, or N like this: “my suitcase weighs 20N”. 1 N = 1 kg * m/s2. A force is also a vector, meaning that is has magnitude and direction. The force my suitcase exerts on the ground is 20N in the downward direction. Scientists and engineers use arrows to indicate the direction of force.

We’ll learn how to do this by drawing “Free Body Diagrams”, or FBDs. These are really useful for inventors and engineers, because with one look at a structure or machine, they can see all the forces acting on it and quickly be able to tell if the object is experiencing unbalanced forces, and if so what would happen. Unbalanced forces can cause rockets to crash, aircraft to somersault, bridges to collapse, trains to roll off the track, skyscrapers to topple, machines to explode or worse!

We’re going to learn how to see forces by making a model of the real world down on paper, drawing in all the forces acting on the object and use a little math to figure out important information like acceleration, force and velocity. Most engineers and scientists spend a year or more studying just this one concept about FBDs (and also MADs: “Mass-Acceleration Diagrams”) in college, so let’s get started…

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In order to figure out what’s going on with an object, you have to take a look at the forces being applied to it. Forces are a vector, meaning that they have a direction and a magnitude. Your weight is not just a number, but it’s also in the downward direction. When we look at the forces that act on an object (or system of objects), we need to know how to combine all the forces into a single, resultant force which makes our math a lot easier. Here’s a set of videos that will show you how to do this:

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Now let’s take it a step further and look at how you’d analyze a ball being yanked on by two kids in different directions:

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There’s a different type of notation for x and y axes called “i-hat” and “j-hat”. This next video will show you exactly what you need to know to understand how to use them together so you don’t get confused! If you haven’t learned about “sines” or “cosines” yet, or it’s been awhile since you’ve studied triangles, this video will show you exactly what you need to know in order to solve physics problems. We’re not going to spend time deriving where these came from (if you’re interested in that, just open up a trigonometry textbook), but rather we’re going to learn how to use them in a way that real scientists and engineers do.

Take out your notebook and take notes on the law of sines, law of cosines, and write down definitions for sine, cosine, and tangent based on what you learn in the video, especially if you’re new to all this. Take it slow and you’ll catch on soon enough, because math isn’t just a shiny box of tools you just learn about, but you need to take the tools out of the box and learn how to crank with them. And sometimes, you learn how to use a impact driver when you need it, not ahead of time for someday when you might need it. Don’t get stuck if you haven’t seen some of these math principles yet or if they don’t make sense where they came from – just start using them and your brain will pick it up on the way as you learn how to apply them. Again, don’t feel like you have to complete a comprehensive course in trig to be able to figure out how to add vectors together! Just follow these simple steps…

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Now let’s put the coordinate systems together with vector addition into this more realistic problem we’re going to run into with our study in physics:

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Force fields aren’t just something for science fiction writers. They are actually a very real and very mysterious part of the world in which you live. So, what is a force field? Well, I can’t tell you. To be honest, nobody can. There’s quite a bit that is still unknown about how they work. A force field is a strange area that surrounds an object. That field can push or pull other objects that wander into its area. Force fields can be extremely tiny or larger than our solar system.

A way to picture a force field is to imagine an invisible bubble that surrounds a gizmo. If some other object enters that bubble, that object will be pushed or pulled by an invisible force that is caused by the gizmo. That’s pretty bizarre to think about isn’t it? However, it happens all the time. As you sit there right now, you are engulfed in at least two huge force fields, the Earth’s magnetic field and the Earth’s gravitational field.

Gravity doesn’t care what size something is or whether or not it is moving, Gravity treats all things equally and accelerates them the same. Notice, that I say gravity accelerates all things equally, not gravity pulls on all things equally. Gravity does pull harder on some things than on other things. This is why I weigh more than a dog. I am made of more stuff (I have more atoms) than the average dog, so gravity pulls on me more.

Weight is nothing more than a measure of how much gravity is pulling on you. This is why you can be “weightless” on a scale in space. You are still made of stuff, but there’s a balance of the gravity that is pulling on you and the outward force due to the acceleration since you’re moving in a circle (which you do in order to remain in orbit), so it feels like you have no weight.

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The larger a body is, the more gravitational pull or the larger a gravitational field it will have. The Moon has a fairly small gravitational field (if you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, you’d only be 17 pounds on the Moon), the Earth’s field is fairly large and the Sun has a HUGE gravitational field (if you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, you’d weigh 2,500 pounds on the sun!).

As a matter of fact, both the dog and I both have gravitational fields! Since we are both bodies of mass we have a gravitational field which will pull things towards us. All bodies have a gravitational field. However, my mass is sooooo small that the gravitational field I have is miniscule. Something has to be very massive before it has a gravitational field that noticeably attracts another body.

So what’s the measurement for how much stuff you’re made of? Mass. Mass is basically a weightless measure of how much matter makes you, you. A hamster is made of a fairly small amount of stuff so she has a small mass. I am made of more stuff, so my mass is greater than the hamster’s. Your house is made of even more stuff so its mass is greater still.

So, here’s a question. If you are “weightless” in space, do you still have mass? Yes, the amount of stuff you’re made of is the same on Earth as it is in your space ship. Mass does not change but since weight is a measure for how much gravity is pulling on you, weight will change.

Did you notice that I put weightless in quotation marks? Wonder why?

Weightlessness is a myth! Believe it or not, one is never weightless. A person can be pretty close to weightless in very deep space but the astronauts in a space ship actually do have a bit of weight.

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The difference between weight and mass often trips up college students, so let’s straighten this out. The mass of an object is how much stuff something is made out of, and the weight is the force of gravity acting on it. Mass deals with how much stuff there is, and weight deals with the pull of the Earth. Mass will never change no matter where you put the object, unless you take a bite out of it or pile more stuff on top of it. The weight can change depending on where you place it, like on another planet.

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If you could stand on the Sun without being roasted, how much would you weigh? The gravitational pull is different for different objects. Let’s find out which celestial object you’d crack the pavement on, and which your lightweight toes would have to be careful about jumping on in case you leapt off the planet.

Weight is nothing more than a measure of how much gravity is pulling on you. Mass is a measure of how much stuff you’re made out of. Weight can change depending on the gravitational field you are standing in. Mass can only change if you lose an arm.


  • Scale to weigh yourself
  • Calculator
  • Pencil
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Units In the US system of units, both mass and weight are measured in “pounds” or “lb”. That’s a BIG problem, because mass isn’t the same as weight, so how could their units be the same? The answer is, the units are not the same, but they look very similar. The units for mass are kg (kilograms) or lbm (pronounced “pounds mass”) and the units for force are N (Newtons) or lbf (pronounced “pounds force”). The trouble comes in when we drop that third character and “lbf” or “lbm” becomes just plain “lb”. That’s the problem, and it’s a major headache for students to understand. Here’s the main thing I want you to remember: 1 lbm is NOT equal to 1 lbf. Here’s a video that will explain how you use both of these in a real world:

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Friction is the force between two objects in contact with one another when one object moves (or tries to move) across another on the surface. Friction is dependent on the types materials that are in contact with one another (rubber versus leather, for example), and how much pressure is put on the materials, and whether the surfaces are wet, dry, hot, cold… it’s really complicated. Friction happens due to the electromagnetic forces between two objects. Friction is not necessarily due to the roughness of the objects but rather to chemical bonds “sticking and slipping” over one another.

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Hovercraft transport people and their stuff across ice, grass, swamp, water, and land. Also known as the Air Cushioned Vehicle (ACV), these machines use air to greatly reduce the sliding friction between the bottom of the vehicle (the skirt) and the ground. This is a great example of how lubrication works – most people think of oil as the only way to reduce sliding friction, but gases work well if done right.

In this case, the readily-available air is shoved downward by the pressure inside of balloon. This air flows down through the nozzle and out the bottom, under the CD, lifting it slightly as it goes and creating a thin layer for the CD to float on.

Although this particular hovercraft only has a ‘hovering’ option, I’m sure you can quickly figure out how to add a ‘thruster’ to make it zoom down the table! (Hint – you will need to add a second balloon!)

Here’s what you need:

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What if there’s a lot of friction? Have you ever felt that you need to give something a shove before it starts moving? You have to overcome static friction in order to experience kinetic friction. (Static friction is higher in magnitude than kinetic friction, generally speaking.)

The equation for determining the friction is: f = μ Fnormal, where μ = the coefficient of friction.

For kinetic friction: fkinetic = μk Fnormal, where μk = the coefficient of kinetic friction
For static friction: fstatic = μs Fnormal, where μs = the coefficient of kinetic friction

Scientists have to figure out μs and μk by doing experiments, and they compile that data in tables for others to look up when they need it. Here’s how you can do that very same experiment to determine the coefficient of friction between two surfaces:

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Now let’s talk about the other ever present force on this Earth, and that’s friction. Friction is the force between one object rubbing against another object. Friction is what makes things slow down.

Without friction things would just keep moving unless they hit something else. Without friction, you would not be able to walk. Your feet would have nothing to push against and they would just slide backward all the time like you’re doing the moon walk.

Friction is a very complicated interaction between pressure and the type of materials that are touching one another. Let’s do a couple of experiments to get the hang of what friction is.
Here’s what you need:

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