Digital electronics can be a lot of fun and there are some really cool components in the market. So to get us going, in this video we’ll take a look at what digital is and start looking at how it works.

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4 Responses to “Getting Started With Digital Logic 1”

  1. The meter will display how much voltage the diode is dropping. A good example of this would be to take two resistors of the same value and connecting them in series to a 5V power source. If you measure the voltage
    across the first resistor it will read 2.5 volts, this is how much voltage the resistor is dropping. If you read the second resistor it will read 2.5V also. So, when you’re reading a diode with your meter you’re seeing how much voltage that diode is dropping.

  2. In the manual to the aforementioned multimeter, it says (in regard to diode testing) “the forward voltage drop will be displayed”. What does this mean?

  3. You need to be a member of the upper level K-12 program to access these projects.

  4. Sophia Pitcher says:

    i can’t access any of the stuff in this section. how soon will it be released???